#!/usr/bin/tclsh package require helga puts "This script will migrate a single project's data from an install of Helga v0.2 to a local install of Helga v1.0." puts "You must be a site administrator to perform project migration. Please enter your v1.0 Helga login information." if { [catch hlogin out] } { puts $out exit 1 } if { [catch "::helga::user::checkPermissions admin /" out] } { puts "Error: You are not a site administrator and therefore may not perform project migration. Please contact a site adminstrator to do this for you." exit 1 } puts "Before we do anything, we're going to back up your v1.0 database in its current state." set sqlFileName "$::HELGASITEROOT/tmp/$::SQLDB.backup.[clock seconds].sql" puts -nonewline "Backing up db to $sqlFileName..." flush stdout exec mysqldump --user=helgaAdmin --password=$::ADMINSQLPASS $::SQLDB > $sqlFileName puts "done." puts "Now: the first step in the migration process is to temporarily copy your old database to your local v1.0 MySQL setup, under the database name \"helga_old\"." if { [::helga::db::databaseExists helga_old] } { puts "Error: Database \"helga_old\" already exists. This may be left over from a failed migration, or maybe someone else is currently migrating an old project. This database must be removed before the script can continue." exit 1 } ::mysql::exec $::db "CREATE DATABASE `helga_old`" puts "Please provide information for your old database." puts -nonewline "Host Name: " flush stdout gets stdin sourceHostName puts -nonewline "Database Name: " flush stdout gets stdin sourceDbName puts -nonewline "User Name: " flush stdout gets stdin sourceDbUser set cmd "exec mysqldump -h $sourceHostName -u $sourceDbUser -p $sourceDbName | mysql --user=helgaAdmin --password=$::ADMINSQLPASS helga_old" eval $cmd puts "Database copied. Proceeding." puts -nonewline "Enter the name of the project you wish to migrate: " flush stdout gets stdin projectName # check existing database, make sure project exists in the old db # and does not exist in the current Helga install. ::helga::db::use helga_old set sql "SELECT `long_name`,`fullxres`,`fullyres`,`framerate`,`show_id` FROM `shows` WHERE `show_name` = '$projectName'" set result [::helga::db::select $sql] if { $result == "" } { puts "Error: project specified does not exist." exit 1 } set projectInfo [lindex $result 0] # db::use, when not given a db name to use, will default to the db name # stored in the site's configuration variable SQLDB ::helga::db::use puts -nonewline "Adding project asset to /$projectName..." flush stdout # hadd project will make sure the project does not exist. this will also # perform any site-specific new project behavior set cmd "hadd project -name /$projectName -fullname \{[lindex $projectInfo 0]\} -xres [lindex $projectInfo 2] -yres [lindex $projectInfo 3] -fps [lindex $projectInfo 4]" eval $cmd puts -nonewline "attributes..." hset thumbResX 160 -name /$projectName hset thumbResY 90 -name /$projectName puts "done." set oldProjectId [lindex $projectInfo 4] set oldWebRoot "/net/anim/public_html/$projectName" set newWebRoot "$::HELGADOCROOT/$projectName" set newProjRoot "$::HELGASITEROOT/$projectName/wc" # copy project files - previews/attachments from old web folder, and the rest of the folder structure from the old site puts "The next step is to copy your old project files to an appropriate location within the 1.0 directory tree." puts "First to be copied: web files - comment attachments, image previews, etc." puts -nonewline "Enter the hostname on which your old project's files are stored: " flush stdout gets stdin hostname if { $hostname == "localhost" || $hostname == [info hostname] } { set cmd "cp $oldWebRoot/images/* $oldWebRoot/videos/* $oldWebRoot/assets/* $oldWebRoot/reels/* $newWebRoot/" puts "Local host detected. Copying files with the following cmd:" puts $cmd eval "exec $cmd" } else { puts -nonewline "Remote host detected. Enter the user name you want to use to access this host: " flush stdout gets stdin username set cmd "scp -r $username@$hostname:$oldWebRoot/images/* $username@$hostname:$oldWebRoot/videos/* $username@$hostname:$oldWebRoot/assets/* $username@$hostname:$oldWebRoot/reels/* $newWebRoot/" puts "Copying files with the following cmd:" puts $cmd puts "You will be prompted for your password several times, once as each copy operation begins." if { [catch {open "| $cmd 2>@stdout"} fp] } { puts "Error: can't open pipe for '$cmd' - $fp" exit 1 } fconfigure $fp -buffering none while { [gets $fp data] >= 0 } { puts $data flush stdout } if { [catch {close $fp} errmsg] } { if { ![string match "child process exited abnormally" "$errmsg"] } { return "Error: could not close pipe for '$cmd' - $errmsg" } } } puts "Web files copied. Next: your integral project files - scene files, comp scripts, etc. Under old helga this should have been stored in /net/anim/$projectName/wc. We can either copy these files directly or, if these files are under revision control with svn, we can simply check them out from the repository." puts -nonewline "Would you like to copy your files (c) or use svn (s)? " flush stdout gets stdin svnresponse while { $svnresponse != "c" && $svnresponse != "s" } { puts -nonewline "Did not recognize your answer. Would you like to copy your files (c) or use svn (s)? " flush stdout gets stdin svnresponse } if { $svnresponse == "c" } { file mkdir $newProjRoot if { $hostname == "localhost" || $hostname == [info hostname] } { set cmd "cp -r /net/anim/$projectName/wc $::HELGASITEROOT/$projectName/" puts "Local host detected. Copying files with the following cmd:" puts $cmd eval "exec $cmd" } else { puts -nonewline "Remote host detected. Enter the user name you want to use to access this host: " flush stdout gets stdin username set cmd "scp -r $username@$hostname:/net/anim/$projectName/wc $::HELGASITEROOT/$projectName/" puts "Copying files with the following cmd:" puts $cmd if { [catch {open "| $cmd 2>@stdout"} fp] } { puts "Error: can't open pipe for '$cmd' - $fp" exit 1 } fconfigure $fp -buffering none while { [gets $fp data] >= 0 } { if { [string index $data end] == "\n" } { puts $data } else { puts -nonewline $data } flush stdout } if { [catch {close $fp} errmsg] } { if { ![string match "child process exited abnormally" "$errmsg"] } { return "Error: could not close pipe for '$cmd' - $errmsg" } } } } elseif { $svnresponse == "s" } { puts -nonewline "svn selected. Enter the url of your svn respository: " flush stdout gets stdin repopath set cmd "svn co $repopath $newProjRoot" puts "Checking out a new working copy with the cmd:" puts $cmd eval "exec $cmd" } puts "Done copying project files. Beginning to copy sequence/shot asset data." # copy all sequences over as direct children of the project ::helga::db::use helga_old set sql "SELECT `seq_name`,`inshow`,`seq_id` FROM `sequences` WHERE `show_id` = $oldProjectId" set result [::helga::db::select $sql] set showPosition 0 foreach seqrow $result { ::helga::db::use set seqname [lindex $seqrow 0] set inshow [lindex $seqrow 1] set seqid [lindex $seqrow 2] set fullseqname /$projectName/$seqname puts -nonewline "Adding sequence $seqname to /$projectName/$seqname..." flush stdout # add a sequence asset hadd sequence -notasks -name $fullseqname # add an inshow attribute hset inshow $inshow -name $fullseqname puts "done." # get all shots in the sequence and add them ::helga::db::use helga_old set sql "SELECT s.`name`, s.`description`, s.`start_frame`, s.`end_frame`, s.`shot_id`, a.`assignment_id`, ap.`filename`, s.`shot_type`, s.`active_file`, s.`comp_file`, s.`maya_extras`, s.`finaled` " append sql "FROM `shots` s, `sequence_memberships` sqm, `assignments` a, `asset_previews` ap " append sql "WHERE sqm.`seq_id` = $seqid " append sql "AND sqm.`shot_id` = s.`shot_id` " append sql "AND a.`shot_id` = s.`shot_id` " append sql "AND s.`preview_id` = ap.`preview_id` " append sql "ORDER BY s.`name`" set result [::helga::db::select $sql] foreach shotrow $result { ::helga::db::use set shotname [lindex $shotrow 0] set fullname /$projectName/$seqname/$shotname puts -nonewline "Adding shot $shotname to $fullname..." flush stdout set desc [lindex $shotrow 1] set sframe [lindex $shotrow 2] set eframe [lindex $shotrow 3] set shotid [lindex $shotrow 4] set asgtid [lindex $shotrow 5] set curprev [lindex $shotrow 6] # add a shot asset with: # description from shots.description set cmd "hadd shot -notasks -name $fullname" if { $desc != "" } { append cmd " -desc \{[::helga::command::addSlashes $desc]\}" } if { $sframe != "" && $eframe != "" } { append cmd " -frameRange $sframe-$eframe" } eval $cmd puts -nonewline "attributes..." flush stdout # add a shotType attr from shots.shot_type hset shotType \{[lindex $shotrow 7]\} -name $fullname # add a mayaExtras attr from shots.maya_extras hset mayaExtras \{[lindex $shotrow 10]\} -name $fullname # add a finaled attr from shots.finaled hset finaled \{[lindex $shotrow 11]\} -name $fullname # add a showPosition attr from the var showPosition hset showPosition $showPosition -name $fullname puts -nonewline "files..." flush stdout # add a file from shots.active_file set scenefile [lindex $shotrow 8] if { $scenefile != "" } { set fullscenepath $newProjRoot/$seqname/$scenefile hadd file $fullscenepath -notasks -name $fullname/scenefile -nocomplain } # add another file from shots.comp_file set compfile [lindex $shotrow 9] if { $compfile != "" } { set fullcomppath $newProjRoot/$seqname/$compfile hadd file $fullcomppath -notasks -name $fullname/compscript -nocomplain } puts -nonewline "previews..." flush stdout # add a previews alist hadd alist -notasks -name $fullname/previews -memberTypes preview # get the shot's previews, add each to /previews ::helga::db::use helga_old set sql "SELECT `filename` FROM `asset_previews` WHERE `asset_type` = 'shot' AND `asset_id` = $shotid" set previewresult [::helga::db::select $sql] ::helga::db::use foreach row $previewresult { set prevname [lindex $row 0] set newPath $newWebRoot/$prevname set newname [hadd preview $newPath -notasks -list $fullname/previews -nocomplain -deleteoriginal] if { $prevname == $curprev } { set previd [::helga::assets::getAssetIdFromName $newname] hset currentPreview $previd -name $fullname } } # add a currentPreview attr from shots.preview_id # add an attachments alist hadd alist -notasks -name $fullname/attachments -memberTypes attachment # get the shot's comments, add each as a log entry puts -nonewline "log entries..." flush stdout ::helga::db::use helga_old set sql "SELECT u.`username`, a.`comment_date`, a.`comment`, a.`asset` FROM `assignment_comments` a, `users` u WHERE a.`assignment_id` = $asgtid AND a.`user_id` = u.`user_id`" set commentresult [::helga::db::select $sql] ::helga::db::use foreach row $commentresult { set cmd "hadd logEntry -name $fullname" set logtext [lindex $row 2] if { $logtext != "" } { if { [string index $logtext 0] == "-" } { set logtext [string range $logtext 1 end] } append cmd " -text \{[::helga::command::addSlashes $logtext]\}" } append cmd " -date [lindex $row 1] -user [lindex $row 0]" set att [lindex $row 3] if { $att != "" } { set attpath $newWebRoot/$att append cmd " -attachfile $attpath -nocomplain" } eval $cmd } # add the shot's assignment_targets to asset_watch puts -nonewline "watch list..." flush stdout ::helga::db::use helga_old set sql "SELECT u.`username` FROM `assignment_targets` a, `users` u WHERE a.`assignment_id` = $asgtid AND a.`target_type` = 'user' AND a.`target_id` = u.`user_id`" set watchresult [::helga::db::select $sql] ::helga::db::use foreach row $watchresult { hwatch -user [lindex $row 0] -name $fullname } # add all the shot's tasks as tasks, link them to each other w/ data from task_links puts -nonewline "tasks..." flush stdout ::helga::db::use helga_old set sql "SELECT ac.`category`, t.`status`, t.`task_id` FROM `tasks` t, `assignment_categories` ac WHERE t.`assignment_id` = $asgtid AND t.`category_id` = ac.`category_id`" set taskresult [::helga::db::select $sql] set idMap {} foreach taskrow $taskresult { ::helga::db::use set cat [lindex $taskrow 0] set oldstatus [lindex $taskrow 1] set oldtaskid [lindex $taskrow 2] set newtask [hadd task -asset $fullname -desc "$cat" -dontlink] if { $oldstatus == "unassigned" } { set newstatus "notstarted" } elseif { $oldstatus == "inprogress" } { set newstatus "inprogress" } else { set newstatus "complete" } hset status $newstatus -name $newtask lappend idMap [list $oldtaskid $newtask] ::helga::db::use helga_old set sql "SELECT u.`username` FROM `task_user_memberships` tum, `users` u WHERE tum.`task_id` = $oldtaskid AND tum.`user_id` = u.`user_id`" set assignresult [::helga::db::select $sql] ::helga::db::use foreach assignrow $assignresult { set uname [lindex $assignrow 0] hassign -task $newtask -user $uname } } foreach taskrow $taskresult { ::helga::db::use helga_old set oldtaskid [lindex $taskrow 2] # use the idMap to find the name of this task set sourcename "" foreach idpair $idMap { if { [lindex $idpair 0] == $oldtaskid } { set sourcename [lindex $idpair 1] break } } if { $sourcename == "" } { continue } # get all outputs of the old task, find the matching ids, and add new links set sql "SELECT `dest_id` FROM `task_links` WHERE `source_id` = $oldtaskid" set linkresult [::helga::db::select $sql] ::helga::db::use foreach linkrow $linkresult { set destid [lindex $linkrow 0] foreach idpair $idMap { if { [lindex $idpair 0] == $destid } { set destname [lindex $idpair 1] catch "hadd link $sourcename $destname" break } } } } puts "done." incr showPosition } } # add a models alist and add all models to it puts "Copying model asset data." ::helga::db::use puts -nonewline "Adding /$projectName/models..." flush stdout hadd alist -name /$projectName/models puts "done." ::helga::db::use helga_old set sql "SELECT `name`,`type`,`description`,`in_show`,`model_id`,`preview_id` FROM `models` WHERE `show_id` = $oldProjectId" set result [::helga::db::select $sql] ::helga::db::use foreach modelrow $result { set oldBase [lindex $modelrow 0] regsub -all {[^a-zA-Z0-9]} $oldBase _ newBase regsub -all {__} $newBase _ newBase while { [string index $newBase end] == "_" } { set newBase [string range $newBase 0 end-1] } set fullModelName /$projectName/models/$newBase puts -nonewline "Adding model $fullModelName..." flush stdout set cmd "hadd model -name $fullModelName" set desc [lindex $modelrow 2] if { $desc != "" } { append cmd " -desc \{[::helga::command::addSlashes $desc]\}" } eval $cmd # migrate attrs type, description, in_show puts -nonewline "attributes..." flush stdout hset modelType [lindex $modelrow 1] -name $fullModelName hset inShow [lindex $modelrow 3] -name $fullModelName # migrate assoc. previews puts -nonewline "previews..." flush stdout # add a previews alist hadd alist -notasks -name $fullModelName/previews -memberTypes preview ::helga::db::use helga_old set sql "SELECT `filename` FROM `asset_previews` WHERE `asset_type` = 'model' AND `asset_id` = [lindex $modelrow 4]" set previewresult [::helga::db::select $sql] ::helga::db::use foreach row $previewresult { set prevname [lindex $row 0] set newPath $newWebRoot/$prevname set newname [hadd preview $newPath -notasks -list $fullModelName/previews -nocomplain -deleteoriginal] if { $prevname == [lindex $modelrow 5] } { set previd [::helga::assets::getAssetIdFromName $newname] hset currentPreview $previd -name $fullModelName } } puts "done." } # add a videos alist and add videos from the videos table to it puts "Copying video asset data." ::helga::db::use puts -nonewline "Adding /$projectName/videos..." flush stdout hadd alist -name /$projectName/videos puts "done." ::helga::db::use helga_old set sql "SELECT `filename`,`label` FROM `videos` WHERE `show_id` = $oldProjectId" set result [::helga::db::select $sql] ::helga::db::use foreach videorow $result { set newFullName /$projectName/videos/[lindex $videorow 0] puts -nonewline "Adding video $newFullName..." flush stdout hadd file $newWebRoot/[lindex $videorow 0] -name $newFullName -desc \{[::helga::command::addSlashes [lindex $videorow 1]]\} -nocomplain puts "done." } # remove the temporary db we made puts -nonewline "Removing temporary database..." flush stdout ::helga::db::use ::mysql::exec $::db "DROP DATABASE `helga_old`" puts "done." puts "Migration complete! Log in to Helga with your v1.0 username/pass and make sure the migration produced the expected results."