start // // Starts an instance of the Shell and sets the info needed to // connect to it to session variables. // function start ( $user, $pass = "" ) { // The Helga Shell executable is called helgatcp, as it allows communication // via a TCP port. We want this program to run in the background, but we also // need to collect certain info from it, such as port number, session ID, etc. // So we'll get it to write its output to a temp file. // Choose a file name. $fileName = $_ENV['HELGAROOT'] . '/site/tmp/helgatcp.' . time() . '.log'; // Build the command string. $cmd = $_ENV['HELGAROOT'] . '/dist/' . $_ENV['HELGAVERSION'] . '/shell/helgatcp ' . $user; if ( $pass != "" ) { $cmd .= ' ' . md5($pass); } $cmd .= ' > ' . $fileName . ' 2>&1 &'; // Execute the command. shell_exec( $cmd ); // Use tail -n 1 to get the last line of the file, which should contain our // session info. The Shell can take a few seconds to come to life, especially // if it hasn't been run in a while, so we'll give it a few changes, waiting for // a second each time. $sessionInfo = ""; $count = 1; $maxCount = 10; while ( $sessionInfo == "" && $count < $maxCount ) { sleep( 1 ); $sessionInfo = shell_exec( "tail -n 1 $fileName" ); $count++; } // The keyword "file" indicates we got an error, because Tcl's error messages // indicate which file and line an error occurred in. normal session output // will not include the word "file". if we find a "file", however, search our // output for other indicators of what went wrong. if ( substr($sessionInfo, 5, 4) == 'file' ) { $fileText = file_get_contents($fileName); if ( strpos($fileText, "incorrect password") !== false ) { $this->printLogin( "Incorrect password." ); } elseif ( strpos($fileText, "does not exist") ) { $this->printLogin( "User $user does not exist." ); } else { die('Unknown error while starting the Helga Shell:
' . nl2br($fileText)); } } // Our session info comes back as a JSON object. Use json_decode to turn this into // an associative array. $sessionObj = json_decode($sessionInfo, true); // Set session variables based on the info we got back from the Shell. $_SESSION['helga_sid'] = $sessionObj['id']; $_SESSION['port'] = $sessionObj['port']; // Delete the temp file. unlink( $fileName ); } function exec ( $cmd ) { if ( !isset( $_SESSION['port'] ) ) { $this->printLogin(); } $sock = fsockopen( "", $_SESSION['port'], $errno, $errstr ); if ( !$sock ) { die( "Error: opening response socket: $errstr" ); } $output = ""; fwrite( $sock, "$cmd\n" ); while ( !feof($sock) ) { $output .= fgets($sock); } fclose( $sock ); $output = rtrim($output); $outputSplit = explode( " ", $output ); if ( $outputSplit[0] == "Error:" ) { if ( $output == 'Error: session expired' ) { header('Location: logout.php'); } else { throw new Exception($output); } } return $output; } function decode ( $json ) { $out = $json; $out = trim($out); $out = trim($out,"()"); if ( $out[0] == "[" ) { $out = trim($out,"[]"); $out = "array($out)"; } $out = str_replace("{","json_decode('{",$out); $out = str_replace("}","}')",$out); $out = '$outString = ' . $out . ';'; eval($out); return $outString; } function printLogin ( $error = "" ) { $SERVER_NAME = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]; $ip = gethostbyname( $SERVER_NAME ); $server = gethostbyaddr( $ip ); // build string of get variables so they are passed on $getString = ''; if ( count( $_GET ) > 0 ) { $getString .= '?'; foreach($_GET as $key => $val) { $getString .= ($getString == '?' ? '' : '&') . htmlspecialchars("$key=$val"); } } // do the same for all post vars $postString = ''; foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { $postString .= "\t\t\t" . '' . "\n"; } echo ' Please Log In

Log In

Email Brian Cipriano if you have any trouble logging in (host "' . $server . '").

'; echo $postString; if ( $error != "" ) { echo '
' . $error . '
'; } echo '

'; exit; } } ?>